Online Vs. In-Person Therapy

With online counselling growing in popularity and availability, you may be curious about the differences between online vs. in-person therapy.

With online counselling growing in popularity and availability, you may be curious about the differences between online vs. in-person therapy. Let’s look at how online therapy works, how effective it is, and the pros and cons of both online and in-person counselling.

What Is Online Therapy and How Does It Work?

Online therapy is a mental health service conducted virtually rather than in person. Therapy sessions can be done through video calls, audio calls, emails, or instant messaging. Similar to in-person therapy, you and your therapist decide the length and frequency of your sessions. 

Online therapists have the same education, licensing, and certification as any therapist. Like in-person services, visits to private practice therapists and counsellors usually have an out-of-pocket cost, but you may be able to get reimbursed if you have health insurance through work or school.

What Are the Benefits of Online Vs. In Person Therapy?

Now that you know how online therapy works, there are many reasons why someone may consider online vs. in-person therapy. Here’s why online sessions are a good option:


For people with physical limitations, travelling to in-person therapy can be difficult, inconvenient, and expensive. 

Diversity of services

Small towns and remote/rural areas often have limited mental health providers. Online therapy gives you greater access to a range of therapists with different counselling methods.


Some people may find it easier to be open and honest during counselling sessions while in the comfort of their home or another familiar setting.

Convenience and flexibility

Since online therapy can occur anywhere, it’s easier to reschedule sessions. Many online counsellors also offer sessions outside of traditional business hours, which is ideal for people with busy schedules. 


An average therapy session in Canada can cost between $60 to $250 per hour. Therapists who solely provide online services sometimes offer more affordable rates. You’ll also save money on associated costs, such as gas and parking.

What Are the Disadvantages of Online Counselling?

Online therapy is a great option for some, but there are also some things to consider when deciding between online vs. in person therapy. Whether you’re concerned about your wifi connection or how to do online therapy with roommates these are the common disadvantages of online counselling:


Those living in a shared space will likely have to factor in how to do online therapy with roommates or family around. This may involve the added effort of finding a private space, such as your car or a quiet park.

Technical issues

Technical problems and unreliable internet connections can disrupt your session. This can be especially frustrating when you are in the middle of discussing sensitive topics. 

Lack of body language cues

Online therapy often lacks the intimacy of a face-to-face interaction. Therapists may miss out on important and telling non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions, body language, tone of voice, and eye contact. 


While many video conferencing tools are designed with strong security measures, confidentiality and privacy are still important considerations for online communication.

Insurance coverage

Not all providers include online therapy as part of the services covered. Some insurance plans also require that practitioners be licensed by a professional regulating body in your region, which may limit your options.

Is In-Person Therapy Better Than Online Therapy?

For severe and complex mental health conditions, virtual therapy may not be sufficient to assess and treat the problem. However, for mild to moderate conditions, studies from the University of Alberta and McMaster University have found that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy.

When it comes to online vs. in-person therapy, it ultimately depends on what works best for you. Why would in-person therapy be better than online therapy? Are you more comfortable at home, or would you prefer the routine of visiting a therapist’s office? Is it easier for you to open up face-to-face or online? Consider your specific needs when deciding what form of therapy is right for you.

Find an Online or In-Person Therapist With Phare Counselling

Whether online or in person, it’s important to find a therapist with whom you feel can create a safe and supportive (physical or virtual) space that you need to navigate your mental well-being.

At Phare Counselling, we provide access to both in-person and online counsellors with a range of specializations and rates. Looking to match with a counsellor? Contact us today!

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